Why the Future of Psychedelic Medicine Depends on a Data Science Approach to Measuring Health Outcomes and Best Practices

Despite the love affair between the press, media, literature, research, culture, and psychedelics, this burgeoning field hasn’t yet arrived at a set of universal best practices to guide psychedelic healthcare. There are a variety of unanswered questions interfering with its ability to scale. For example, we don't know if there is a specific talk therapy model most suitable for the transformations psychedelics offer. The extent to which practitioners should engage with their clients during their journeys is also ambiguous. 

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David Champion
My journey to the psychedelic space

In 2013 I tried my first psychedelic. It was a truly incredible, mind-expanding and heart-opening journey. Two years later and after many equally beautiful, intentional sessions with a number of compounds, I found myself in a place so scary that I grazed the surface of what it must be like to navigate split-personality disorder, panic attacks, manic psychosis, and suicidality all at once.

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